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Artie Irix (played by Garn) | |
[ CANON ] "Oh, I like you! You're pretty much the only one who gets tech and stuff, and you always invite me on your trips too for my magick tricks. Okay, I'll be honest, I didn't like you at first because it felt like that lovey-dovey stuff you have going on with Spritz made us less good friends or something, but right now you're great!" [ GarnVerse Crossover ] |
Sprite Cinders (played by Garn) | |
[ CANON ] "Spritz! You're like, my best bud in the whole universe! You and me, we go waaaaaay back, and you're also sorta the whole subject of my magick, so, there's that. You're cool, I hope you'll pick up my adventurer training soon, I know that we can take on the galaxy together, together with Rando and Artie!" [ Therion/GarnVerse Crossover ] |
Randle Pentecost (played by Garn) | |
[ CANON ] "Rando, you're like, the coolest dude! You sorta remind me of dad sometimes, but.. well, friendlier, I guess. You're the only other dude in the crew and you're like, real smart, so we can always talk about interesting stuff! I think you're a bit too worried about me and Spritz doing cool stuff, though- I'm not a little kid anymore." [ GarnVerse Crossover ] |
Blake Cameron (played by Garn) | |
[ CANON ] "I'm.. sorry, dad.." [ Therion ] |
Professor Hartmann (played by Garn) | |
[ CANON ] - "I know you're not my real mom, and stuff, but sometimes it kinda felt like that. You were always so nice to me. I hope dad isn't too mean to you.. I swear I'll get you back to Mister Javnan when Spritz and I go back to the Lab!" [ Therion ] |
Mighty Mad Madina (played by Garn) | |
Flarus Kaehrson (played by Garn) | |
[ CANON ] "You're.. kinda weird, I guess? But also really cool! You wear these super crazy and expensy outfits, and you talk like you're a prince and stuff. Rando says you kill people for money, though.. but we do that too sometimes, so I dunno why it's only bad when you do it." [ GarnVerse Crossover ] |
Water of the Pentatheon (played by Avitrathephoenix) | |
"Oh, you're amazing! I know you're like a goddess and all that but you're super sweet and chill and you know all the cool magick tricks! Hopefully you'll teach me some, one day, I think that'd be super awesome." [ Rainfall through Smog-filled Skies ] |